Trade Talk Podcast: Examine the challenges and navigate risk

Trade Talk is a podcast designed to help you grow your business with confidence. In each episode of the podcast, we examine different aspects and challenges of the economic recovery. Through a judicious mix of expert analysis, and business leaders’ insights and testimonials, we give you the keys to unlock the recovery, anticipate risks, and make the right strategic choices.

Energy sector: Between crisis and opportunity, what does the future hold?

The recent energy crisis was a harsh reminder of our dependence on energy resources, a key economic growth driver. 

As fossil fuels become less available, and with the need to transition to lower-carbon alternatives, will tomorrow’s energy be costly and subjected to greater uncertainty about its availability? 

What is the outlook? And how can companies adapt? 

In this episode, Jean-Christophe Caffet, Coface Chief Economist, is joined by Marc-Antoine Eyl-Mazzega, Director of the Center for Energy & Climate at the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI), to share their insights.


Energy sector - Podcast Trade Talk

Time spent 00:00

Total duration 10:54

China: Recent changes carry risks and opportunities for businesses

China is in the midst of a number of political, social, and economic changes as a result of the current health crisis. 

While it remains a land of business opportunities, it's also a time of instability in the country, considering the trade war with the U.S., increased tensions with Taiwan, a rapprochement with Russia, and complex relations with countries in the west. 

Is the world's second largest economy still as indispensable as it was before?

Bernard Aw, Chief Economist for Asia-Pacific, and Raphaël Rousselot, Chief Underwriting Officer for Asia-Pacific, discuss business risks and opportunities in China. 

China : A reopening with Risks and opportunities

Time spent 00:00

Total duration 10:54

Middle East: Business opportunities in the Gulf States

A rare oasis of growth in a global economy on the brink of recession, the countries of the Gulf have leveraged hydrocarbon wealth to drive their economies forwards.

But while they are known for their seemingly limitless wealth, how are these countries preparing for the post-oil transition? How are their relations with each other and their neighbors? What benefits does the region offer to businesses and entrepreneurs? What are important issues in the Gulf that companies need to be aware of?

We analyze the opportunities and risks with two Coface experts: Seltem Iyigün, economist for Middle East and Turkey, and Hassen Bennour, CEO for the Middle East and Southern Africa. 


Middle East Podcast - Trade Talk

Time spent 00:00

Total duration 10:54