Our team of experts is ready and at your service

The Coface Group has a large international presence and organizes its activities around seven geographic regions (Latin America, North America, Asia Pacific, Central, Western and Northern Europe, and the Mediterranean & Africa) and its functional departments.

Each region is headed by a regional CEO. Country managers in the region report directly to the CEO but also have the autonomy to manage activity that supports growth in their markets. Additionally, each region is supported by its own management committee.

North America leadership

Our North American leadership team supports and serves our Coface operations in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. As part of our North American governance, the Coface North America Insurance Company Management Committee meets regularly to monitor the operation, performance, and results, and to implement Coface Group strategy in the region. This committee is a forum for discussion and plays a supervisory role to ensure the company is operating smoothly.

  • Oscar Villalonga

    Regional President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Mark Jomaa

    Regional Chief Operating Officer

  • Gerardo Ronconi

    Regional Treasurer & Chief Financial Officer

  • Lee Spurrier

    Regional Chief Commercial Officer

  • Alexandre Lacreu

    Regional Chief Underwriting Officer

  • Jacqui Jooste

    Country Manager – Canada

    Chief Agent – Canada

  • Manuel Arevalo

    Country Manager – Mexico

  • Carolina Ventura

    Regional Secretary, General Counsel & Compliance Director

    Chief Privacy Officer - Canada

  • Jenine Spadafino

    Regional Director of Human Resources

  • Paul Gentile

    Regional Head of Business Information

  • Gaoussou Sakho

    Regional Audit Director

  • Paul Haigley

    Regional Head of Commercial Underwriting